Saturday, 5 August 2006

The photo memory of our cameras was almost fully used up so you will have to imagine what the scenery looks like for August 5th. Just think fog! We left Long Reach anchorage in foggy calm conditions motoring out through the Burgeo Islands, passing among a gathering of open boats hand lining for mackerel. After clearing Sandbanks Point the fog shut in for real and we depended upon our GPS to keep out of trouble, although the longitude on the local chart is about ¼ mile east of the GPS position. We did sight one vessel, a small cutter with a dark hull, at the limits of our visibility on the reciprocal course. We turned up Connoire Bay and enjoyed watching the fog lift the further we got from the open water. At 1400 hours we anchored at the top of the Northeast Arm in 2 fathoms with clear visibility under an overcast sky. The bay is shallow and the hill slopes rise relatively gently from the water.

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