Friday, 4 August 2006

After discovering that fuel was no longer available at the fisherman’s landing in town, we tied up again at the old fish plant wharf, ahead of a familiar-looking sloop. After going to the grocery store, where we re-visited and further depleted the Purity display, acquired a few other supplies, and made telephone calls, we returned to the wharf and a lucky chance. The sloop, “Bold Spirit” from Annapolis, Maryland, had arranged for a service station to deliver a drum of diesel to the wharf, and we were able to purchase what we needed from the leftovers in the barrel. Later we got together with Ted and Chris from “Bold Spirit” and had supper in the motel restaurant, where hot running water in the washroom was cause for some excitement. During the meal, we enjoyed sharing recent cruising experiences and confirmed that we had seen their vessel in Roti Bay and Hare Bay. They had made crew changes at St. John's and St. Albans, and were now waiting in Burgeo for another crew change, which was late arriving due to transportation problems.

After supper, we departed the fish plant wharf and motored to Long Reach, where we spent a quiet evening and night at anchor.

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