(1909) (VEKHI) SIGNPOSTS: A Collection of Articles on the Russian Intelligentsia. trans. by Marshall S. Shatz and Judith E. Zimmerman,
Irvine Calif: C. Schlacks Jr, 1986. Berdiaev article "Philosophic
Verity and Intelligentsia Truth".
(1918) (IZ GLUBINY) OUT OF THE DEPTHS = DE PROFUNDIS: A Collection of Articles on the Russian Revolution. trans. by William F. Woehrlin, Irvine Calif: C. Schlacks Jr., 1986, p. 67-106 (English title not shown; in original Russian is "Dukhi russkoi revolutsii" (lit.) "The Spirit of the Russian Revolution" which appeared separately in July 1918 journal Russkaya Mysl', p. 39-73).
(1932) VITAL REALITIES by Carl Schmitt, Nicholas Berdyaev and Michael de la Bedoyere, New York: Macmillan Company, 1932, 273 p. Berdyaev's contribution to this anthology, p.105-192, consists of his 1931 book "The Russian Revolution", qv. vide supra.
(1931) "UNIVERSALITY AND CONFESSIONALISM" (published first in French under title "Oecumenisme et le confessionalisme" 1931); included in anthology "Khristianskoe Vozsoedinenie: Ekumenicheskaya problema v pravoslavnom soznanii" ("Christian Reunification: The Ecumenical Problem in Orthodox Consciousness"), Paris: YMCA Press, nd. (Klepinine Bibliographie shows 1933), p. 63-81. English translation, 1995, by Fr S Janos, appears at Internet Website: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Philosophy/Sui-Generis/Berdyaev/uc.htm
(1938) COMMUNISM AND CHRISTIANS by Francois Mauriac, trans. from French by J. F. Scanlan, London, 1938, 293 p. Includes selection "Human Personality and Marxism" by Berdyaev.
(1948) LEO TOLSTOY: ESSAYS FROM TULA trans. by Evgeny Lampert; London: Sheppard Press, 1948, 292 p. Preface by Berdyaev: "The Voice of Conscience from another World. An Introduction..." p. 9-18.
(1958) SIX THEOSOPHIC POINTS and Other Writings by Jacob Boehme. trans. by John Rolleston, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1958, 208 p. Includes introductory essay by Nicolas Berdyaev "Ungrund and Freedom".
(1965) CHRISTIAN EXISTENTIALISM: A Berdyaev Anthology. trans. by Donald Lowrie, London: Allen & Unwin, 1965, 333 p.
(1965) RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHY. Volume III: Pre-Revolutionary Philosophy and Theology -- Philosophers in Exile -- Marxists and Communists. Edited by James M Edie, James P. Scanlan and Mary-Barbara Zeldin, with collaboration of George L. Kline; Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1965, Vol. III, 521 p. 10 Berdyaev excerpts, p. 143-220, including "Subjectivism and Objectivism", i.e. Chapter I of 1901 Berdyaev's 1st Book "Sub'ektivizm i Individualizm v Obschestvennoi Filosofii" (lit.) "Subjectivism and Individualism in Social Philosophy".
(1965) ULTIMATE QUESTIONS: An Anthology of Modern Russian Religious Thought. Edited by (Fr.) Alexander Schemann, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965, 310 p. The Chapter, "Ethics of Creativity", is from Berdyaev's 1931 book, "The Destiny of Man".
(1968) READINGS IN RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHIC THOUGHT. Edited by Louis J. Shein, The Hague-Paris: Mouton, 1968, Volume I, 337 p. Includes selection "Subjectivism and Individualism" qv. vide supra (1965) Edie et al. text.
Copyright © 23 March 1998 by Fr. Stephen Janos. (frsj@xecu.net)