Chronological Ordering reflects when first published in Russian or otherwise, with English first-published info, also (lit.) literal translation of title if the English differs from the original.
(1916) THE MEANING OF THE CREATIVE ACT trans. by Donald A. Lowrie, London: V. Gollanz, 1955; New York, 1955, 344 p.
(1923) DOSTOEVSKY trans. by Donald Attwater; London: Sheed and Ward, 1934; New York: Meridian Books, 1957. "Mirosozertsanie Dostoevskogo" (lit.) "The WorldView of Dostoevsky".
(1923) THE MEANING OF HISTORY trans. by George Reavey; London: G. Bles, 1936, 224 p.; New York: Scribner's, 1936.
(1924) THE END OF OUR TIME trans. by Donald Attwater; London: Sheed and Ward, 1933, 258 p.; "Novoe Srednevekov'e" (lit.) "The New Middle Ages".
(1926) LEONTIEV trans. by George Reavey; London: G. Bles, 1940, 230p.; "Konstatin Leont'ev: Ocherk iz istorii ruskoi religioznoi mysli" (lit.) "Konstantin Leontiev: Sketch from the History of Russian Religious Thought".
(1927-28) FREEDOM AND THE SPIRIT trans. by Olicer Fielding Clarke;
London: G. Bles., 1935, 362 p.; New York: Scribner's, 1935; "Filosofia Svobodno Dukha" (lit.) "Philosophy of the Free Spirit" -- originally published in Russian language in 2 volumes, 1927-1928.
(1931) THE DESTINY OF MAN trans. by N. Duddington; London: G. Bles, 1937, 378 p.; New York: Scribner's, 1937.
(1931) CHRISTIANITY AND CLASS WAR trans. by Donald Attwater; London: Sheed and Ward, 1933, 123 p.
(1931) THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. London: Sheed and Ward, 1931; Idem. New York, 1932, 95 p. English Collection of Berdyaev Journal Articles:
- Russian religious psychology and communistic atheism.
- The Religion of communism.
(1934) THE BOURGEOIS MIND and other Studies in Modern Life. London: 1934, 134 p. English Collection of Berdyaev Journal Articles:
- The Bourgeois mind.
- Man and Machine.
- Christianity and Human Activity.
- The Worth of Christianity and the Unworthiness of Christians.
(1934) THE FATE OF MAN IN THE MODERN WORLD trans. by Donald A. Lowrie; [2nd ed.] London: S.C.M. Press, 1938, 126 p.; Milwaukee: C. Morehouse, 1935.
(1934) SOLITUDE AND SOCIETY trans. by George Reavey; London: G. Bles. 1938, 207 p.; "Ya i Mir Ob'ektov. Opyt filosofii odinochestva i obscheniya" (lit.) "I and the World of Objects: Philosophic Experience of Solitude and Society".
(1937) THE ORIGIN OF RUSSIAN COMMUNISM trans. by R. M. French, London: G. Bles, 1937, 188 p. (published first in German 1937; in Russian 1955 under title "Istoki i smysl russkogo kommunizma" (lit.) "Sources and Meaning of Russian Communism").
(1937) SPIRIT AND REALITY trans. by George Reavey, London: G. Bles, 1946, 181 p.
(1938) CHRISTIANITY AND ANTI-SEMITISM trans. by Alan A. Spears and Victor B. Kantner, Aldington, Kent: 1952, 59 p.
(1939) SLAVERY AND FREEDOM trans. by R. M. French, London: G. Bles, 1939, 268 p.; New York: Scribner's, 1939. "O rabstve i svobode cheloveka" (lit.) "Concerning the Slavery and Freedom of Man" (1939 publication date may be errata in Klepinine Bibliographie shewing neither trans. nor page-number; my G. Bles copy shows 1943 first-publishing date.)
(1946) THE RUSSIAN IDEA trans. by R. M. French, London: G. Bles, 1947, 255 p.; New York: MacMillan, 1947. "Russkaya Ideya. Osnovnye problemy russkoi mysli XIX veka i nachala XX veka" (lit.) "The Russian Idea: Fundamental Problems of Russian Thought of XIX Century and Beginning XX Century".
(1947) THE BEGINNING AND THE END: Essay on Eschatological Metaphysics. trans. by R. M. French, London: G. Bles, 1952, 256 p.; New York: Harper, 1952. "Opyt eskhatolicheskoi metafizki. Tvorchestvo i ob'ektivatsiya" (lit.) "Attempt at Eschatological Metaphysics: Creativity and Objectification".
(1947) THE DIVINE AND THE HUMAN trans. by R. M. French, London: G. Bles, 1949, 202 p. (published first in French in 1947, 1952 in Russian:) "Ekzistentsial'naya dialektika bozhestvennogo i chelovecheskogo" (lit.) "Existential Dialectics of the Divine and the Human".
(1949) TOWARDS A NEW EPOCH. London: G. Bles, 1949. English Collection of Berdyaev Journal Articles:
- Spirit and Force.
- Some trends in Humanism.
- The Two Moralities.
- World discord and Christian unity.
- Social Revolution and spiritual awakening.
- Personality and community in Russian thought.
- The Power of the historical past and the future.
- Freedom and its difficulties.
- On Freedom to create.
- Freedom to create and the "Fabrication of souls".
- Sartre and the future of existentialism.
- Russia and the New Age.
(1949) DREAM AND REALITY: An Essay in Autobiography. trans. by Katherine Lampert, London: G. Bles, 1950, 326 p.; New York: MacMillan, 1950. "Samopoznanie. Opyt Filosofskoi avtobiografii" (lit.) "Self-Knowledge: an Attempt at Philosophic Autobiography".
(1949) THE REALM OF SPIRIT AND THE REALM OF CAESAR trans. by Donald A. Lowrie, London: V. Gollanz, 1952, 182 p.; New York: Harper, 1953.
(1953) TRUTH AND REVELATION trans. by R. M. French, New York: Harper and Bros., 1953, 156 p.; London: G. Bles, 1954 (French edition 1954; Russian n.d.). "Istina i otkrovenie. Prolegomeny k kritike otkroveniya" (lit.) "Truth and Revelation: Prolegomena to the Critique of Revelation".
Copyright © 23 March 1998 by Fr. Stephen Janos. (