[Green Line]
[Holly branch]
Christmas is a special time for me. [/tree\] I thank my parents and extended family of aunts, uncles for the joy and delight that was ingrained in me as a child. [/tree\] The richest are of Christmas on our family farm, where snow fell more plentifully than it does in Halifax and all was white and wonderful. [/tree\] Christmas in town is relatively routine. [/tree\] Christmas in the city seems too commercial; [/tree\] yet Christmas in Halifax is still special. [/tree\] I am told that Christmas in Scotland is a more quiet celebration than Hogmanay or New Year's. [/tree\] True to my birth and life out here in the colonies, I commemorate both events with deep appreciation and respect. [/tree\] Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Christ Child. [/tree\] Nativity scenes and a creche are very prominent in my decorations. [/tree\] Also Christmas, for me, is the celebration of survival of the challenges of the year, and whatever accomplishments there may be; [/tree\] New Year's the birth and beginning of a brand new year with promise; [/tree\] Epiphany the baptism and consecration of the new year. [/tree\] For me, Christmas is not one day, but the traditional Twelve Days of Christmas coming to a significant and rich climax of Epiphany.
[Holly branch]
[Green Line]
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