"Ciad Mille Failte!"

[Crest of Clanfolk of Clan MacKay] Crest of Clansfolk of Clan MacKay

My Home(page) in Scotland is dedicated, as

Tribute to my MacKay Ancestors in Scotland and New Scotland

{*} =[ This website is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 2.01 ]= {*}

[Owl Line]

Would you like a cup of tea?
Stop awhile at The Mayflower Cybercafe

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Come with me, and I will share the tales of my past,
My MacKay Heritage.
Perhaps you can help me solve some of the mystery?
We might discover we are indeed cousins?
[Emigrant Sailing Ship]


The Beaver, National Animal of Canada
An industrious native of Canada, the Beaver symbolizes the
individuality, adventures and plight of each Canadian citizen.

Canadian Beaver Day

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[Guest Book] Would you take a minute to sign my Guest Book?

[Owl Line]

A resounding note of appreciation and thanks to Electric Scotland
for hosting these pages in Grangemouth, Stirling(shire), Scotland.

Janet MacKay
Halifax, Nova Scotia

These pages authored by:
Janet MacKay
Last update: 31 March 1997
Web design by:
Janet MacKay
Background Tartan:
Ancient MacKay

[Marble Blue Line]