[NatureNS] Question about bird bodies

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From: James Hirtle <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: "naturens@chebucto.ns.ca" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Thread-Topic: [NatureNS] Question about bird bodies
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2018 14:35:49 +0000
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Hi Randy and others.

Too bad I did not know about the Canada Goose.  There was one floating bell=
y up just at the junction of Bridgewater and Conquerall Bank about a week a=
go.  It also was in close enough that I could have gotten it.  Not sure if =
it was killed by a bald eagle or what was going on there.

James R. Hirtle


From: naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca <naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca> on beha=
lf of Randy Lauff <randy.lauff@gmail.com>
Sent: April 26, 2018 1:26 PM
To: NatureNS
Subject: Re: [NatureNS] Question about bird bodies

Thanks Marg for thinking of me.

Gannets are well represented in the StFX collection. But since the topic ha=
s come up, I may as well send my wish list, which I have done from time to =
time via this venue (June 2015 was the last one, I think). Although legally=
, no one is allowed to collect for me (well, unless you have a permit), the=
 meaning of the law is to prevent illegal trade (eagle feathers would be mo=
re of a concern than those of egrets these days) or spread of foreign speci=
es (thanks John for the info about the aldelgid). If you have something tha=
t may be of interest to me, just fire me an email and we'll arrange transpo=


Firstly, thank you to many people both on and off this list for the donatio=
ns of bird specimens to the St. Francis Xavier collection over the years. T=
he collection continues to grow and my goal is to have an amalgam of birds =
which truly represents the richness of the province=92s birds. I want to po=
int out that no bird was killed *for* the collection. Hunters have killed d=
ucks for their tables, and I have acquired the skulls from some of these bi=
rds. Most birds though are acquired after being killed by cats, cars or win=
dows or succumbing to the elements. Specifically, and I hope I'm not forget=
ting anyone here, the following people have contributed a disproportionate =
amount to the collection: Ken McKenna, Tom Kavanaugh, Stephen Bushell, Frit=
z McEvoy.

I was looking over the inventory of specimens recently and two things jumpe=
d out at me.

The first is that I=92ve got over 120 species of nesting bird represented (=
about 180 breed in the province), and another 36 species, most of which are=
 migrants. The peacock and parrot were both pets and are examples of some o=
f the few which are not wild birds. There is a bias towards feeder birds (P=
urple Finch is the #1 window kill) and charismatic birds (members of the ge=
neral public are more likely to pick up a road-injured hawk than a similarl=
y injured gull). The latest additions to represent new species for our coll=
ection are a road-killed Virginia Rail (thanks Tom Kavanaugh) and the recen=
t Trumpeter Swan (currently being beetled, thank you Eric Mills, Tony Milla=
rd). The bottom line is that there are many species still not represented h=

The second thing that jumped out at me relates to the charismatic birds=85t=
here=92s an irony in the StFX collection that is reflected in uncommon spec=
ies being represented, but common ones still, after more than 20 years coll=
ecting, are still not. Some donations of these species were too damaged to =
incorporate into the collection.

I have no Canada Goose (or any goose), wigeon, or Gadwall. I have no scaup =
or Bufflehead.  Hunters =96 help! The heads are worth sending me (unless th=
at=92s where the pellets went). But I do have a Harlequin!

Pelagic birds are largely missing, though auks are reasonably represented (=
Common Murre is the only one missing). I have fulmar, but need Shearwaters =
and Skuas. I need all grebes and Wilson=92s, but not Leach=92s, Storm-Petre=
ls. All terns and all winter gulls would be welcome.

I need all the southern herons/egrets except Cattle and Great. I need both =
Night-Herons. Sandhill Crane would be nice.

I have all the breeding raptors (diurnal and nocturnal), but need any migra=

Very few shorebirds are here; essentially any would be welcome.

I have plenty of Yellow-billed Cuckoos, but am missing our breeding Black-b=

I have Blue Grosbeak, but no Eastern Bluebird.

I have no Red-winged Blackbird, but I do have a Rusty.

In addition to those ironic misses, here are some other vacancies in the co=

I have no tanagers, wrens or GC Kinglet.

Flycatchers are almost non-existent in the collection (I have one each of K=
ingbird, Yellow-bellied, Scissor-tailed and Alder).

I have several of the sparrows which routinely show up at feeders, but no S=
wamp, Sharp-tailed, etc. No Snow Bunting, Tree or Chipping.

Birds still in the freezer do not appear in my inventory, so if you=92ve do=
nated something I=92ve listed as missing, rest assured it is likely still t=
here. Please do let me know if you find something that may be of interest. =
I can be reached at rlauff@stfx.ca<mailto:rlauff@stfx.ca>.

Thank you!



RF Lauff

Way in the boonies of

Antigonish County, NS.

RF Lauff
Way in the boonies of
Antigonish County, NS.

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<p style=3D"margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0">Hi Randy and others.</p>
<p style=3D"margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0"><br>
<p style=3D"margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0">Too bad I did not know about the =
Canada Goose.&nbsp; There was one floating belly up just at the junction of=
 Bridgewater and Conquerall Bank about a week ago.&nbsp; It also was in clo=
se enough that I could have gotten it.&nbsp; Not
 sure if it was killed by a bald eagle or what was going on there.</p>
<p style=3D"margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0"><br>
<p style=3D"margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0">James R. Hirtle</p>
<p style=3D"margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0">LaHave</p>
<div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">
<hr style=3D"display:inline-block;width:98%" tabind