[NatureNS] Thread-Index: AQHS9bUf8T0mnd+GDEmawxjWrSaVBQ==

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From: Eric Mills <E.Mills@Dal.Ca>
To: Chris Peters <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Thread-Topic: [NatureNS] Thread-Index: AQHS9bUf8T0mnd+GDEmawxjWrSaVBQ==
Thread-Index: AQHS9bW/V8t8LpzCKkuvkByQxGkSM6JFpZDr
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 19:54:20 +0000
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Chris - oops! Reading quickly while under way I understood that you wanted to learn birds, not acronyms (banding codesý). My mistake.

All the best,


Eric L. Mills
Lower Rose Bay
Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia
  Original Message
From: Chris Peters
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 14:40
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Reply To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Subject: [NatureNS] Thread-Index: AQHS9bUf8T0mnd+GDEmawxjWrSaVBQ==

Birding.  Like any endeavour it has it's
abbreviations and short hand.  I'm interested in finding an alphabetical list of four digit alpha codes for the Birds of Nova Scotia.   A 47 page PDF file with Beautiful Hummingbird in non alphabetical order isn't practical.  Any ideas where I can find a concise alphabetical list?  I want to sit and study the most common 250 species and have them second nature.  Chris

Sent from my iPhone

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