[NatureNS] Monarch butterfly

From: GayleMacLean <duartess@EastLink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015 20:02:22 -0300
References: <23023D7549FB45569A58060760BC0853@Millard>
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Saw one of Marg Millard's photos that she posted on the FB page. 
SO beautiful!!
Have been following all the posts, regarding the Monarch's progress here in Nova Scotia. 
A wonderful journey!
Thank you all for sharing!
Gayle MacLean
On 09/24/15 07:43 PM, Larry Bogan <larry@bogan.ca> wrote: 
> Marg,
>   I am glad you were able to experience the emergence of the adult Monarch.  We never tire of seeing the event. I think everyone should get a chance to see it. When we had the Young Naturalist's here, a Monarch emerged from its chrysalis and it was wonderful to see their expressions wonder.
>  I like your pictures but especially the one just as the Monarch drops from its chrysalis - huge body and small rinkled wings. 
>    Larry
> ////// === ///////
> Larry Bogan 
> Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
> <larry@bogan.ca>
> On Thu, 24 Sep 2015 18:38:55 -0300
> Marg Millard <mmillard@eastlink.ca> wrote:
> > today I saw the chrysalis was getting very clear so I took my chair and sat 
> > down where the creature was and with my camera waited. Goodness, what a 
> > treat!! I managed to get the elbow breaking out, the  dropping down and 

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=3CDIV=3ESaw one of Marg Millard=27s photos that she posted on the FB pa=
ge=2E =3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3ESO beautiful!!=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EHave been foll=
owing all the posts=2C regarding the Monarch=27s progress here in Nova S=
cotia=2E =3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EA wonderful journey!=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EThank=
 you all for sharing!=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3ESin=
cerely=2C=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EGayle MacLean=3C=
On 09/24/15 07=3A43 PM=2C =3CB class=3Dname=3ELarry Bogan =3C/B=3E=26lt=3B=
larry=40bogan=2Eca=26gt=3B wrote=3A=3C/SPAN=3E
=3CBLOCKQUOTE class=3DiwcQuote style=3D=22PADDING-LEFT=3A 13px=3B MARGIN=
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=3CDIV class=3D=22mimepart text plain=22=3EMarg=2C=3Cbr /=3E=26nbsp=3B I=
 am glad you were able to experience the emergence of the adult Monarch=2E=
=26nbsp=3B We never tire of seeing the event=2E I think everyone should =
get a chance to see it=2E When we had the Young Naturalist=27s here=2C a=
 Monarch emerged from its chrysalis and it was wonderful to see their ex=
pressions wonder=2E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=26nbsp=3BI like your pictures bu=
t especially the one just as the Monarch drops from its chrysalis - huge=
 body and small rinkled wings=2E =3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B=
 Larry=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E////// =3D=3D=3D ///////=3Cbr /=3ELarry Bogan =
=3Cbr /=3EBrooklyn Corner=2C Nova Scotia=3Cbr /=3E=26lt=3Blarry=40bogan=2E=
ca=26gt=3B=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3EOn Thu=2C 24 Sep 2015 18=3A38=3A55 -0300=3C=
br /=3EMarg Millard =26lt=3Bmmillard=40eastlink=2Eca=26gt=3B wrote=3A=3C=
br /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B today I saw the chrysalis was getting very cle=
ar so I took my chair and sat =3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B down where the creature=
 was and with my camera waited=2E Goodness=2C what a =3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B =
treat!! I managed to get the elbow breaking out=2C the=26nbsp=3B droppin=
g down and =3Cbr /=3E=3C/DIV=3E=3C/BLOCKQUOTE=3E


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