[NatureNS] The Fuss About Multiflora Roses

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Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 06:07:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Paul MacDonald <paulrita2001@yahoo.com>
To: "naturens@chebucto.ns.ca" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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One suggestion Gary would be Canada Holly.=0A- Ilex verticillata. There are=
 a number of related species=0Abut all have red berries which will be eaten=
 by the birds but not=0Afirst choice. Robins will generally clean of the bu=
shes.=0AA perfect time to transplant them but other than digging wild plant=
s=A0=0AI'm not sure where you would get them. You could grow them from=0Ase=
ed but it would take awhile.=0AIn order to get good crops of berries they n=
eed a sunny location.=0AThey will grow in shaded areas but not willingly.=
=0AThe Royal Azalea does much better with shade.=0AEnjoy the first snow=0AP=
aul=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: Gary Murray <garymurr=
ay@ns.sympatico.ca>=0ATo: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca =0ASent: Sunday, November=
 25, 2012 9:22:00 AM=0ASubject: RE: [NatureNS] The Fuss About Multiflora Ro=
ses=0A =0A=0AAny suggestions on native plants. And, can they be planted now=
?? I know =0Anothing about gardening. :) =0A=0AGary Murray=0ATucker Lake =
=0ABeaverbank NS=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A----- Original Message -----=0AFrom: John an=
d Nhung <nhungjohn@eastlink.ca>=0ATo: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca=0ADate: Sun, =
25 Nov 2012 08:32:26 -0400=0ASubject: RE: [NatureNS] The Fuss About Multifl=
ora Roses=0A=0A> Thought from John in Yarmouth:=0A> =0A> Given all the inpu=
t we have heard, I would encourage following the=0A> precautionary principl=
e and going for native options!=0A> =0A> -----Original Message-----=0A> Fro=
m: naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca [mailto:naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca]=0A>=
 On Behalf Of Gary Murray=0A> Sent: November-25-12 8:03 AM=0A> To: naturens=
@chebucto.ns.ca=0A> Subject: Re: [NatureNS] The Fuss About Multiflora Roses=
=0A> =0A> =0A> Thanks Hans, Paul, David and everyone who weighed in on this=
 disucssion! =0A> =0A> Didn't know anything about it's invasiveness, only k=
new it was great for=0A> winter birds, and does look good especially in win=
ter as Hans pointed out,=0A> so that made it cool in my books. =0A> =0A> Wi=
ll have to think on whether or not I want to plant it, as there seems to=0A=
> be good arguments for and against putting it in. I want to make my yard =
=0Amore=0A> bird friendly, but not have a battle on my hands trying to keep=
 it under=0A> control. Some other plants were mentioned to me, so that may =
be an option =0Aas=0A> well. =0A> =0A> cheers,=0A> =0A> Gary Murray=0A> Tuc=
ker Lake=0A> Beaverbank NS=0A> =0A> =0A> =0A> =0A> ----- Original Message -=
----=0A> From: Hans Toom <htoom@hfx.eastlink.ca>=0A> To: naturens@chebucto.=
ns.ca=0A> Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 19:01:05 -0400=0A> Subject: [NatureNS] The=
 Fuss About Multiflora Roses=0A> =0A> > The multiflora rose is a beautiful =
flowering plant that produces =0Ahundreds =0A> of splendid petals that last=
 for about three weeks. In my rather coolish =0A> coastal area the plant bl=
ooms in mid July. The thousands of berries =0A> appear in mid to late fall =
and provide food for almost every migrating =0A> and overwintering bird. Th=
e red berries are magical when covered by snow =0A> and descended upon by h=
ordes of thrushes and finches of all types. The =0A> mimics, waxwings, spar=
rows and flycatchers also take their share.=0A> > =0A> > The plant is low m=
aintenance providing you follow some simple rules. =0A> Never use it as a s=
how plant, display plant or foundation planting. Use =0A> it only in areas =
where humans do not frequent for the thorns are as =0A> vicious as on any p=
lant I've met. Plant it around the boundaries of your =0A> garden or yard w=
here it can grow uninhibited in three directions, to the =0A> back and to t=
he sides. The leaders are amazing, growing 8-12 feet per =0A> year but have=
 a rather nasty overhanging strategy. Where the rose =0A> overhangs onto ar=
eas where you don't want it simply cut off the leaders =0A> and throw them =
back onto the top of the plant. I do this once a year! The =0A> seedlings t=
hat sprout into new roses are your opportunity to continue =0A> building yo=
ur hedge. Simply pull the sprouts out of the ground when they =0A> are 2-3 =
feet long until you see roots, cut the sprout, and throw them in =0A> a buc=
ket of water. The same procedure applies to root spread plants. Root =0A> s=
tarter is not necessary in your bucket of water. Take your sprouts and =0A>=
 using a spike or fork create a hole and drop the sprout into it, tap it =
=0A> down with your feet and water, then forget. I have about a 90% success=
 =0A> rate at replanting the volunteers. Older plants do not grow much at a=
ll =0A> and produce considerably less berries than the younger ones. As wel=
l as a =0A> source of food the plant is the best protection against raptors=
 that =0A> songbirds can have. I've seen songbirds huddled in the middle of=
 the rose =0A> with the raptor sitting nearby frustrated, knowing that a pl=
unge into the =0A> rose provides not a reward of bird flesh but numerous th=
orn stabs. =0A> Sometimes the raptors get so tangled I've almost had to res=
cue them, but =0A> not yet.=0A> > =0A> > The plant was introduced from Asia=
 to act as a natural animal barrier =0A> which it does well enough but as h=
as been pointed out by others it does =0A> spread. It's banned from some Am=
erican states as a noxious plant.=0A> > =0A> > It's easy to get your supply=
 of cuttings. Take a heavy pair of gloves, =0A> good shears and a bucket of=
 water and visit locations where this plant =0A> grows in abundance. Pull o=
ut leaders, cut them off at the first sign of =0A> roots, throw in your buc=
ket of water and replant along the edges of your =0A> property where people=
 do not frequent. I don't recommend this plant if =0A> you have dogs or chi=
ldren running about.=0A> > =0A> > If one follows these simple guidelines th=
e plant is a wonderful =0A> introduction to your garden, providing birds fo=
od and protection and the =0A> home owner the pleasure of unbelievable bloo=
ms. Gray Catbirds nest in =0A> this plant as do Baltimore Orioles, further =
south of course.=0A> > =0A> > Hans=0A> > =0A> =0A__________________________=
__________________________________________________=0A> ____________________=
_________=0A> > Hans Toom=0A> > Portuguese Cove, N