[NatureNS] The Fuss About Multiflora Roses

Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 10:01:36 -0400 (AST)
From: "fulton.harding@ns.sympatico.ca" <fulton.harding@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca, Gary Murray <garymurray@ns.sympatico.ca>
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   Not sure what the weather is where Gary is but it is snowing here in Hantsport today. &#160;Getting kind of late to be out planting. &#160;It can be done, just put the last of my bulbs in yesterday and was still planting perennials earlier this month.
   You would have a greater chance of frost heave with anything planted this late. &#160;The roots are not going to have anytime to grow or settle into the soil.
   The plants are certainly not going to do any growing so you would not be any further ahead than if you plant things early next spring.
   Take the winter months to do a little research and then plant in the spring would be my recommendation.
   There is a great new book out that I have on my Christmas Wish List you might want as well.
   Trees and Shrubs of the Maritimes - Todd Boland
   Boulder Publications
   ISBN 978-0-9865376-5-3
   Published 2012
   Another good one is
   Weeds of the Woods: &#160;Small Trees &#38; Shrubs of the Eastern Forest - Glen Blouin
   You can probably borrow a copies of these through your local library if you do not want to purchase them.
   Baldwin&#39;s Nursery in Falmouth is an excellent source of native plants and shrubs. &#160;Everything I have purchases from them has done really well including my Bayberry. &#160;
   Marian Fulton&#160;
   Hantsport NS&#160;

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