[NatureNS] Mold or Fungi

From: AngelaJoudrey <aljoudrey@eastlink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2011 18:30:16 -0300
References: <COL103-W340BA24F11F85BEA74254EB5F50@phx.gbl>
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Good bit of info=2E=A0 Thanks!

I walk by a =22patch=22 of this on my dog walks=2E Everytime=2C I think =
=22Huh=2C I should bring my camera=22 =2C =A0 then promptly forget that =
thought till the next dog walk=2E

There is some of this growing on an alder at the Windsor Exhibition grou=
nds=2E =

Angela in Windsor

On 10/02/11=2C Christopher Majka  =3Cc=2Emajka=40ns=2Esympatico=2Eca=3E =
=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E Hi James=2C
=3E =

=3E =

=3E Thanks for sending the photos=2E Fortunately this was easy for me to=
 identify=2C since it=27s not mold or fungi but in fact an insect! =3A-=3E=

=3E =

=3E =

=3E These are woolly alder aphids (Prociphilus tessellatus Fitch=2C 1851=
)=2E See the URLs below for further information=3A
=3E =

=3E =

=3E http=3A//www2=2Ebrevard=2Eedu/jefrick/aphids=2Ehtm
=3E http=3A//bugguide=2Enet/node/view/157195
=3E =

=3E =

=3E If you scrape away some of the white=2C cottony flocculant material =
on the surface you will see the aphids within=2E
=3E =

=3E =

=3E Cheers!
=3E =

=3E =

=3E Chris
=3E =

=3E On 2-Oct-11=2C at 1=3A33 PM=2C James Hirtle wrote=3A
=3E =

=3E =

=3E =3E Hi all=3A
=3E =3E =A0
=3E =3E I=27ve taken photos of a white filamentous mold or fungi growing=
 on the bark of a small tree=2E=A0 The photos were taken along the Back =
Harbour Trail in Lunenburg a few days ago=2E=A0 If there is someone onli=
ne who is an expert in the field and would like to see the photos=2C let=
 me know=2C I would love to know a little more about this growth=2E=A0 T=
hanks in advance=2E
=3E =3E =A0
=3E =3E James R=2E Hirtle
=3E =3E Bridgewater
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E  Christopher Majka =A0=3Cc=2Emajka=40ns=2Esympatico=2Eca=3E =7C=A0Ha=
lifax=2C Nova Scotia=2C Canada
=3E =

=3E =

=3E * Research Associate=3A Nova Scotia Museum =7C=A0http=3A//museum=2Eg=
=3E * Review Editor=3A The Coleopterists Bulletin =7C=A0http=3A//www=2Ec=
=3E * Subject Editor=3A ZooKeys =7C=A0http=3A//pensoftonline=2Enet/zooke=
=3E * Review Editor=3A Zootaxa =7C=A0http=3A//www=2Emapress=2Ecom/zootax=
=3E * Associate Editor=3A Journal of the Acadian Entomological Society =7C=
=3E * Editor=3A Atlantic Canada Coleoptera =7C=A0http=3A//www=2Echebucto=
=3E * Editor=3A Bugguide=2C Coleoptera=A0http=3A//bugguide=2Enet
=3E =

=3E =

=3E Whenever I hear of the capture of rare=A0beetles=2C I feel like an o=
ld war-horse at the sound of a trumpet=2E=A0- Charles=A0Darwin
=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E  =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=22The significant problems of our time cannot be solved by the same lev=
el of thinking that created them=2E=22
Albert Einstein

=22When one tugs at a single thing in nature=2C he finds it attached to =
the rest of the world=2E=22
John Muir

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Good bit of info=2E=A0 Thanks!=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3EI walk by a =26quot=3B=
patch=26quot=3B of this on my dog walks=2E Everytime=2C I think =26quot=3B=
Huh=2C I should bring my camera=26quot=3B =2C =A0 then promptly forget t=
hat thought till the next dog walk=2E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3EThere is some o=
f this growing on an alder at the Windsor Exhibition grounds=2E =3Cbr /=3E=
=3Cbr /=3EAngela in Windsor=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cspan=3EOn 10/02/11=2C =
=3Cb class=3D=22name=22=3EChristopher Majka =3C/b=3E =26lt=3Bc=2Emajka=40=
ns=2Esympatico=2Eca=26gt=3B wrote=3A=3C/span=3E=3Cblockquote cite=3D=22m=
id=3A699B8A25-6AED-421B-8553-7D1E67647B81=40ns=2Esympatico=2Eca=22 class=
=3D=22iwcQuote=22 style=3D=22border-left=3A 1px solid rgb(0=2C 0=2C 255)=
=3B padding-left=3A 13px=3B margin-left=3A 0pt=3B=22 type=3D=22cite=22=3E=
=3Cdiv class=3D=22mimepart text html=22=3E=3Cspan=3E=3Cp=3E=3Ctable=3E=3C=
tbody=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd style=3D=22word-wrap=3A break-word=3B=22=3E=3Cp=3E=
Hi James=2C=3C/p=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3EThanks for send=
ing the photos=2E Fortunately this was easy for me to identify=2C since =
it=27s not mold or fungi but in fact an insect! =3A-=26gt=3B=3C/div=3E=3C=
div=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3EThese are woolly alder aphids (=3Ci=3E=
Prociphilus tessellatus=3C/i=3E Fitch=2C 1851)=2E See the URLs below for=
 further information=3A=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3C=
a href=3D=22http=3A//www2=2Ebrevard=2Eedu/jefrick/aphids=2Ehtm=22 target=
/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Ca href=3D=22http=3A//bugguide=2Enet/node/view/157195=22=
div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3EIf you scrape away some of t=
he white=2C cottony flocculant material on the surface you will see the =
aphids within=2E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3ECheers!=3C=
/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3EChris=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3C=
br /=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cdiv=3EOn 2-Oct-11=2C at 1=3A33 PM=2C James Hirtle wro=
te=3A=3C/div=3E=3Cbr class=3D=22Apple-interchange-newline=22 /=3E=3Cbloc=
kquote type=3D=22cite=22=3E=3Cdiv class=3D=22hmmessage=22 style=3D=22fon=
t-size=3A 10pt=3B font-family=3A Tahoma=3B=22=3E=3Cdiv dir=3D=22ltr=22=3E=
Hi all=3A=3Cbr /=3E=A0=3Cbr /=3EI=27ve taken photos of a white filamento=
us mold or fungi growing on the bark of a small tree=2E=A0 The photos we=
re taken along the Back Harbour Trail in Lunenburg a few days ago=2E=A0 =
If there is someone online who is an expert in the field and would like =
to see the photos=2C let me know=2C I would love to know a little more a=
bout this growth=2E=A0 Thanks in advance=2E=3Cbr /=3E=A0=3Cbr /=3EJames =
R=2E Hirtle=3Cbr /=3EBridgewater=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3C/div=3E=3C/blockq=
uote=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cdiv apple-co=
ntent-edited=3D=22true=22=3E =3Cspan class=3D=22Apple-style-span=22 styl=
e=3D=22border-collapse=3A separate=3B color=3A rgb(0=2C 0=2C 0)=3B font-=
family=3A =27Times New Roman=27=3B font-style=3A normal=3B font-variant=3A=
 normal=3B font-weight=3A normal=3B letter-spacing=3A normal=3B line-hei=
ght=3A normal=3B orphans=3A 2=3B text-indent=3A 0px=3B text-transform=3A=
 none=3B white-space=3A normal=3B widows=3A 2=3B word-spacing=3A 0px=3B =
font-size=3A medium=3B=22=3E=3Cdiv style=3D=22word-wrap=3A break-word=3B=
=22=3E=3Cspan class=3D=22Apple-style-span=22 style=3D=22border-collapse=3A=
 separate=3B color=3A rgb(0=2C 0=2C 0)=3B font-family=3A =27Times New Ro=
man=27=3B font-style=3A normal=3B font-variant=3A normal=3B font-weight=3A=
 normal=3B letter-spacing=3A normal=3B line-height=3A normal=3B orphans=3A=
 2=3B text-indent=3A 0px=3B text-transform=3A none=3B whit