[NatureNS] Melanistic Red Squirrel

From: Terry Boswell <ta_boz@hotmail.com>
To: <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:42:57 -0300
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You made me do a little digging. You were right! Being European=2C I was as=
suming the North American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) was the "P=
ine Squirrel" as I had heard the term being used locally. I am more familia=
r with the European Red Squirrel (sciurus vulgaris) and jumped to a conclus=
ion that the one in the photo could not be the same. Thanks for setting me =



From: c.majka@ns.sympatico.ca
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Subject: Re: [NatureNS] Melanistic Red Squirrel
Date: Wed=2C 24 Mar 2010 18:38:01 -0300

Hi Terry=2C

There is no such species as a "pine squirrel" in Canada.=20

In Nova Scotia=2C there are four species of squirrels:

1. Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus)
2. Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volens)
3. Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
4. Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)

The red squirrel is a very variable species with fifteen subspecies in Cana=
da=2C however only one of these=2C Tamiasciurus hudsonicus gymnicus=2C is f=
ound in the Maritime Provinces. There are also occasional albino=2C partial=
 albino=2C and melanistic individuals like the one pictured in Bernard's ph=



All the best.

On 24-Mar-10=2C at 6:17 PM=2C Terry Boswell wrote:

I think that this is a melanistic Pine Squirrel and not a melanistic Red Sq=
uirrel. The two are quite different in shape and the Pine Squirrel is the l=
ocal resident.
Terry Boswell
> Date: Tue=2C 23 Mar 2010 07:20:50 -0300
> From: hamst@xplornet.com
> To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
> Subject: Re: [NatureNS] Melanistic Red Squirrel
> Thanks Bernard=2C I really wanted to see those pictures!
> On 22/03/10 11:32 PM=2C bernard burke wrote:
> > Rita and I took a drive to the Nine Mile River area today (Monday=2C Ma=
rch 22nd) to see if we could get a look at the melanistic (black) red squir=
rel recently mentioned by Annabelle Thiebaux. After a short period of time =
we were able to get good looks and photos of this unique squirrel=2C some o=
f which can be seen here:
> >
> > http://bernieb.smugmug.com/Nature/Melanistic-Black-Red-Squirrel/1159306=
> >
> > Many thanks to Annabelle and her husband for their hospitality.
> >
> > Bernard Burke
> > blburke@ns.sympatico.ca
> > Dartmouth

Take your contacts everywhere. Try Messenger for mobile

Christopher Majka
Halifax=2C Nova Scotia=2C Canada B3H 2G5
 In theory there's no difference between theory and practice. In practice t=
here is. - Yogi Berra

Live connected with Messenger on your phone

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.hmmessage P
font-size: 10pt=3B
<body class=3D'hmmessage'>
You made me do a little digging. You were right!&nbsp=3BBeing European=2C I=
 was&nbsp=3Bassuming the North American Red Squirrel (<EM>Tamiasciurus huds=
onicus) </EM>was the<EM> "</EM>Pine Squirrel" as I&nbsp=3Bhad heard the ter=
m&nbsp=3Bbeing used locally. I am more familiar with&nbsp=3Bthe European Re=
d Squirrel (<EM>sciurus vulgaris</EM>) and jumped to a conclusion that the =
one in the photo could not be the same. Thanks for setting me straight.&nbs=
<HR id=3DstopSpelling>
From: c.majka@ns.sympatico.ca<BR>To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca<BR>Subject: Re=
: [NatureNS] Melanistic Red Squirrel<BR>Date: Wed=2C 24 Mar 2010 18:38:01 -=
0300<BR><BR>Hi Terry=2C
<DIV>There is no such species as a "pine squirrel" in Canada.&nbsp=3B</DIV>
<DIV>In Nova Scotia=2C there are four species of squirrels:</DIV>
<DIV>1. Northern Flying Squirrel (<I>Glaucomys sabrinus</I>)</DIV>
<DIV>2. Southern Flying Squirrel (<I>Glaucomys volens</I>)</DIV>
<DIV>3. Grey Squirrel (<I>Sciurus carolinensis</I>)</DIV>
<DIV>4. Red Squirrel (<I>Tamiasciurus hudsonicus</I>)</DIV>
<DIV>The red squirrel is a very variable species with fifteen subspecies in=
 Canada=2C however only one of these=2C&nbsp=3B<I>Tamiasciurus hudsonicus g=
ymnicus</I>=2C is found in the Maritime Provinces. There are also occasiona=
l albino=2C partial albino=2C and melanistic individuals like the one pictu=
red in Bernard's photos.</DIV>
<DIV>All the best.</DIV>
<DIV>On 24-Mar-10=2C at 6:17 PM=2C Terry Boswell wrote:</DIV><BR class=3Dec=
<BLOCKQUOTE><SPAN class=3DecxApple-style-span style=3D"WORD-SPACING: 0px=3B=
 FONT: medium 'Times New Roman'=3B TEXT-TRANSFORM: none=3B COLOR: rgb(0=2C0=
=2C0)=3B TEXT-INDENT: 0px=3B WHITE-SPACE: normal=3B LETTER-SPACING: normal=
=3B BORDER-COLLAPSE: separate">
<DIV class=3Decxhmmessage style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt=3B FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"=
>I think that this is a melanistic Pine Squirrel and not a melanistic Red S=
quirrel. The two are quite different in shape and the Pine Squirrel is the =
local resident.<BR>&nbsp=3B<BR>Regards<BR>&nbsp=3B<BR>Terry Boswell<BR>&nbs=
p=3B<BR>&gt=3B Date: Tue=2C 23 Mar 2010 07:20:50 -0300<BR>&gt=3B From:<SPAN=
 class=3DecxApple-converted-space>&nbsp=3B</SPAN><A href=3D"mailto:hamst@xp=
lornet.com">hamst@xplornet.com</A><BR>&gt=3B To:<SPAN class=3DecxApple-conv=
erted-space>&nbsp=3B</SPAN><A href=3D"mailto:naturens@chebucto.ns.ca">natur=
ens@chebucto.ns.ca</A><BR>&gt=3B Subject: Re: [NatureNS] Melanistic Red Squ=
irrel<BR>&gt=3B<SPAN class=3DecxApple-converted-space>&nbsp=3B</SPAN><BR>&g=
t=3B Thanks Bernard=2C I really wanted to see those pictures!<BR>&gt=3B<SPA=
N class=3DecxApple-converted-space>&nbsp=3B</SPAN><BR>&gt=3