[NatureNS] Liverpool Blue Grosbeaks and Black-necked Stilts

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 22:44:33 -0300
From: Don MacNeill <donmacneill@eastlink.ca>
To: NS-RBA <NS-RBA@yahoogroups.com>,
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Carol and I attended Jim Wolford's excellent trip on Sunday and saw lots of 
friends we hadn't seen over the winter.  We spent the next two nights at 
Victoria's Historic Inn, had a great meal at Between the Sheets (oops, I 
mean Between the Bushes) and played our first golf game this year on Monday. 
Today (Tuesday) we decided to drive some of the back roads from Wolfville to 
Liverpool before heading back to Halifax.

We saw a pair of Blue Grosbeaks at 28 Riverside in Liverpool.  Peter Davies 
says there are 2 males and 2 females attending his feeders.  They go to the 
suet feeder that can be seen from the road.

Off and on, we tried for the Black-necked Stilts as we waited for the tide 
to go down.  Finally, we saw them at about 05:30 by taking the first road 
after the Hank Snow Museum and parking at the barricade.  I walked across 
the little field and checked out the inlet with no luck.  Before leaving, I 
decided to go to the end of the field and the two stilts were wading in 
shallow water and very close for picture taking.

All in all, a great way to celebrate our anniversary.


Don MacNeill

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