[NatureNS] Arctic Talk: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History

Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 17:09:01 -0400
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Blake Maybank <maybank@ns.sympatico.ca>
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Wed, Jan 30
North of Norway, North of 80: Voyages in Svalbard and Greenland

Presenter: Blake Maybank, naturalist
Illustrated Public Talk
7:30 pm
Free Admission: Food Bank donations appreciated
Museum Auditorium, limited seating

"Canada shares the Arctic with four other nations, including Norway 
(the Svalbard islands) and Denmark (Greenland). Blake Maybank, spent 
five weeks last summer in Svalbard and Greenland on an expedition 
cruise ship, and returned with tales and photos of  Arctic wildlife, 
wildflowers, history, and landscapes. And ice. Lots of ice. Join 
Blake as he shares his adventures, and bring your thermal underwear."  
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<font size=2 color="#6699CC"><b>Wed, Jan 30</font><font size=2> <br>
</font><font size=2 color="#6699CC">North of Norway, North of 80: Voyages
in Svalbard and Greenland <br><br>
</b></font><font size=2>Presenter: Blake Maybank, naturalist<br>
<i>Illustrated Public Talk<br>
7:30 pm<br>
Free Admission: Food Bank donations appreciated<br>
Museum Auditorium, limited seating<br><br>
</i>&quot;Canada shares the Arctic with four other nations, including
Norway (the Svalbard islands) and Denmark (Greenland). Blake Maybank,
spent five weeks last summer in Svalbard and Greenland on an expedition
cruise ship, and returned with tales and photos of&nbsp; Arctic wildlife,
wildflowers, history, and landscapes. And ice. Lots of ice. Join Blake as
he shares his adventures, and bring your thermal underwear.&quot;</font>

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