[NatureNS] Some birds this w/e

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Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 18:18:10 -0400
From: "Richard Stern" <sternrichard@gmail.com>
To: NS-RBA <NS-RBA@yahoogroups.com>, NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Yesterday morning there was a large accipiter sitting in a tree in our front
yard, which I suspect was last year's imm. Cooper's come back in 2nd year
(almost adult plumage). I took a lot of pictures, and they 're here -
http://www.pbase.com/rb_stern/gull_and_hawk . Birders are welcome to come
and search. If anyone can positively ID it (or ? large F. Sharpie) I would
appreciate it.

Yesterday afternoon on the W.Hants CBC we had a Peregrine fly across Red
Bank Rd. near Centre Burlington.

Today at Sullivan's Pond was a gull I think is a hybrid 1st. winter GBB x
Glaucous (pictures as above).

Today at Tufts Cove were both Scaup and a M. and F. Barrow's Goldeneye.

Today at Hartlen Pt. was a 1st w. Bonaparte's Gull.

Today at Windsor Sewage Pond was a Greee-winged Teal.

Storm coming tomorrow. Happy New Year.


Dr.Richard Stern,
70 Exhibition St.
Kentville, NS, Canada
B4N 4K9

Richard Stern,
317 Middle Dyke Rd.
Port Williams, NS, Canada
B0P 1T0


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Yesterday morning there was a large accipiter sitting in a tree in our front yard, which I suspect was last year&#39;s imm. Cooper&#39;s come back in 2nd year (almost adult plumage). I took a lot of pictures, and they &#39;re here -  
http://www.pbase.com/rb_stern/gull_and_hawk . Birders are welcome to come and search. If anyone can positively ID it (or ? large F. Sharpie) I would appreciate it.
<br><br>Yesterday afternoon on the W.Hants CBC we had a Peregrine fly across Red Bank Rd. near Centre Burlington.<br><br>Today at Sullivan&#39;s Pond was a gull I think is a hybrid 1st. winter GBB x Glaucous (pictures as above).
<br><br>Today at Tufts Cove were both Scaup and a M. and F. Barrow&#39;s Goldeneye.<br><br>Today at Hartlen Pt. was a 1st w. Bonaparte&#39;s Gull.<br><br>Today at Windsor Sewage Pond was a Greee-winged Teal.<br><br>Storm coming tomorrow. Happy New Year.
<br><br>Richard<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>#################<br>Dr.Richard Stern,&nbsp; <br>70 Exhibition St.<br>Kentville, NS, Canada<br>B4N 4K9<br><br>Richard Stern, <br>317 Middle Dyke Rd.<br>Port Williams, NS, Canada<br>B0P 1T0
sternrichard@gmail.com<br>################### ------=_Part_8429_12914623.1199053090182--

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