[NatureNS] weird pheasant behaviour also in Grouse

Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:47:42 -0400
From: Ken McKenna <kenmcken@eastlink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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Ken McKenna
Box 218 Stellarton NS
B0K 1S0
902 752-7644
Hi Jim and all
Yesterday while on the Economy CBC I noted a Ruffed Grouse in full display 
with a female? nearby, All the ruffs on his neck were elevated in full 
display and the tail was fanned out. I was fortunate to have close views of 
a male Black-backed Woodpecker on the trail by the gate in Economy PP.  I 
think someone else also had another Black-backed during the count.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Wolford" <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
To: "NatureNS" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 1:31 AM
Subject: [NatureNS] evening grosbeak, 3 f. cardinals, weird pheasant 
behaviour?, etc. -- Wolfville
> CARDINALS in sight at once; and a gorgeously coloured (very red-faced) 
> cock
> PHEASANT aggressively ran across the yard directly at a long female/imm.
> pheasant, ran a tight circle around her/it, and then appeared to forage 
> near
> her/it.  I donıt know how to account for the pheasant behaviour; surely 
> the
> slight change in times of sunrise/sunset since the solstice cannot cause 
> any
> hormonal shift yet??

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