[NatureNS] Re: crow migrations

From: "john belbin" <jbelbin@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: "Naturens" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 13:09:06 -0400
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That huge flock of crows, easily several thousand, flies over my home on the
hill above Hantsport twice a day. They follow a NW-SE direction parallel to
the Avon River that would appear to take them close to Windsor or Falmouth.
Late last week I was coming home and stopped off to pick up the mail on
Highway #1 in Hants Border at dusk. There were more than 200 crows jammed
into 2 small trees on the edge of a farm property. The noise was astounding
and some kind of social event was clearly going on - it is not their roost.
They looked like huge leaves and some of them were forced onto branches that
were clearly too small and they kept having to move about. The rest of the
flock kept passing overhead like a scene from an old Hitchcock movie or
something from a WW2 invasion film. Its very dramatic to see so many so
close up. Does anyone know what all the commotion in the trees would be

John Belbin - Hantsport

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