[NatureNS] Nashville or Orange-crowned Warbler -- an Identification Debate

Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 14:56:32 -0400
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca, NATURENB@LISTSERV.UNB.CA
From: Blake Maybank <maybank@ns.sympatico.ca>
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In early December I reported a sighting of an Orange-crowned Warbler 
in Dartmouth, but later revised the identification to that of a 
Nashville Warbler.   That identification was in turned questioned, 
which led to the photo being posted on the web, and commentary and 
analysis from the Bird ID Frontiers discussion group.

If you are curious regarding this instructional debate, and the 
outcome, the web page is here:


Happy winter birding,

Blake Maybank

Editor, "Nova Scotia Birds"

author, "Birding Sites of Nova Scotia"

White's Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada 

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