[NatureNS] N Shrike, Snow Geese, Catbird - Anna. Valley

From: "Judy Tufts" <tandove@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: "NatureNS" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 14:27:19 -0400
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Thurs Nov 15 / 07: Bernard and Sandra Forsythe found a Northern Shrike on
the Wolfville Ridge Rd. It was hunting from a fence on the edge of a farm
pasture, a little east from my home (which is 918 Ridge Rd). I was fortunate
enough to find it about a half hour later but it was quite secretive.


Nov 14 / 07: Sherman Bleakney reports seeing the three Snow Geese again
(first reported by Luke DeCicco around the Nov 11 as "3, family group, 2
adults and 1 HY" ) feeding around the Guzzle, Grand Pre.   The Thextons also
spotted them in a field with a large flock of gulls on the same day not far
from the Guzzle.


Nov 12 / 07:  a Gray Catbird flew across the road in front of my car on Hwy
1, Grand Pre, about .75 km west of the Tangled Garden shop. 


Nov 15 / 07: two Pine Siskins turned up at my Wolfville Ridge feeders along
with goldfinches, the first for the season.



Judy Tufts



   Judy  Tufts




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