[NatureNS] White egret

From: James Hirtle <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: Naturens Naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>,
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 22:28:06 +0000
Importance: Normal
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Hi all:
I had to work today, but there was a report from my brother of a white egre=
t in Riverport across from the fire department.  I suspect it is probably a=
 great egret, but hopefully it will stick around for someone to get a posit=
ive id on the bird.  I have an early appointment in Bridgewater tomorrow, b=
ut will try to check on it before going off to work late in the afternoon.
James R. Hirtle
Dublin Shore
R U Ready for Windows Live Messenger Beta 8.5? Try it today!

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Hi all:<BR>
I had to work today, but there was a report from my brother of a white egre=
t in Riverport across from the fire department.&nbsp; I suspect it is proba=
bly a great egret, but hopefully it will stick around for someone to get a =
positive id on the bird.&nbsp; I have an early appointment in Bridgewater t=
omorrow, but will try to check on it before going off to work late in the a=
James R. Hirtle<BR>
Dublin Shore<BR><br /><hr />R U Ready for Windows Live Messenger Beta 8.5? =
<a href=3D'http://entertainment.sympatico.msn.ca/WindowsLiveMessenger' targ=
et=3D'_new'>Try it today!</a></body>


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