[NatureNS] Ruddy Ducks at Windsor

From: "john belbin" <jbelbin@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: "Naturens" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 13:10:02 -0300
Importance: Normal
Precedence: bulk
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After Richards report yesterday I decided to check out the Windsor Sewage
Ponds this morning while doing some errands nearby. I was not expecting a
great deal as it was just past low tide and I assumed that most birds would
be away feeding. However, I was surprised at the shear number of birds
present - perhaps the very cold winds led them to stay in a more sheltered
location. Those same wind forced me to make most of the observations from
the car, once I had taken a quick look around to see what was where.

There are now 3 Ruddy ducks and possibly a fourth which I found for a few
minutes and then could not locate again. The 3 were resting quietly in a
tight little group, easily seen with those pointy tails sticking right up.
There are also a pair of American Wigeon, also easy to see, the male being
very distinctive with that white stripe on the top of his head. Also seen
4 blue winged Teals
26 Green winged Teals
5 Greater Yellowlegs
12 Mallard
50+ Black Ducks
100+ Canada Geese
The usual hoard of gulls.

Some of the Canada Geese show considerable size variations and a few of them
are so dark on the back you could almost call it black instead of the normal

John Belbin - Hantsport

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