[NatureNS] Barnacle Goose Update 5.0

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Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 17:43:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: Clarence Stevens <birder_ca@yahoo.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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Hi All, First the good news, we were able to get good looks at all 5 species of
geese today. The bad news is that 2 of the species are now at a new location
and by the time we re-discovered them at 4:30 PM most of the other birders were
gone. Hopefully those who missed the Barnacle will get another chance to try
for the goose. 

Today the GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE and two of the CACKLING GEESE were once
again in the fields across from McWilliam Road for the entire day. As soon as
we arrived today it was easy to see that only about 10% of the geese from the
previous two days were present.   As ususal we waited for the tide to come in
and expected the rest of the geese to arrive en mass. When this didn't happen
we decided we better try and find the missing geese.  Luckily the couple
thousand missing geese were not too hard to find. They were located in a field
on Shore Road across from house # 875.  Nestled in with them was the GREATER
SNOW GOOSE & the BARNACLE GEESE. Both could be seen with binoculars  but since
this is such a large field a scope would be recommended for the Barnacle Goose.

To reach Shore Road from McWilliam Road continue along Highway 2 away from
Truro and towards Masstown.  Within a few minutes on the left will be the
Masstown Safety School. The next left is Shore Road.  If you overshoot the
road,  house # 875 can also be reached by turning left onto the Masstown Road
and then veering left at the next fork. 

Other birds discovered today included a mystery swallow glimpsed by Tom
Kavanaugh by the 3 silos near the entrance to McWilliam Road.  Along the lane
going into the field opposite McWilliam Road there was a flock of 6 GRAY
PARTRIDGE.  Another flock of 5 GRAY PARTRIDGE were seen twice along the next
lane going into the field. The first lane is now gated so must be walked but
the second land is un-gated and quite driveable.  - Good Luck & Happy Birding, 

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