[NatureNS] N. Cape Breton Birds, etc.

Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 19:22:44 -0300
To: NatureNS@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Angus MacLean <angusmcl@ns.sympatico.ca>
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Our last day in Cape Breton saw a lessening of the strong winds (up to
80k) on Wed, (Oct. 10) so I checked out a few place in N. Victoria
- many Red-breasted Nuthatches (20-25 in loose flocks) feeding on the
heavy cone crop of White Spruce.<br>
- Juncos were by far the predominant sparrow feeding on the road
- a well-marked Savannah Sparrow in unusual habitat (spruce &amp; tall
hardwoods). Must have been migrating.<br>
- a Fox Sparrow in same area (Ridge Road- Cape North).<br>
- at Dingwall (former Highland Lodge), found three separate remains
(feathers) of Ruffed Grouse in a very short distance. Presumably a
Great-horned Owl which are common in the area. However the Owl did not
get them all as a Ruffed Grouse was drumming repeatedly nearby.<br>
- a small flock of White-winged Crossbills in same area.<br>
<u>South Harbour Beach/Aspy Bay<br>
</u>- 84 C. Geese<br>
- 12 Dunlin<br>
- 2 S/P Plovers<br>
- 2 B/B Plovers<br>
- 2 Great Blue Heron<br>
- 1 <b>Common (Mew) Gull</b>. Recorded one at same site on October 10,
- 1 Bonaparte's Gull<br>
- 8 Horned Larks<br>
- 100+ scoters on Aspy Bay but the only ones (3) close enough to i.d.
were White -winged.<br>
- 1 Red-necked Grebe<br>
- 1 Yellowthroat<br>
- 4 Thrushes (1 Hermit, 1 Swainson's, 2 undetermined)<br><br>
<u>Thursday.. Oct. 11<br>
</u>- an Osprey N. of Ingonish<br>
- a Gray Jay at Cape Smoky<br>
- a <b>meadowlark </b>along access road from #102 to Brookfield.<br><br>

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