[NatureNS] Blomidon Naturalist Society Field Trip: Gaspereau Trail Field Trip Sunday

To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Patrick Kelly <patrick.kelly@dal.ca>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 15:08:46 -0300
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Green Dragon Family Hike
Sunday, October 14, 2007 - Gaspereau River Trail.=A0 "Green Dragon lives =
and plays in river and stream as protector of all Natural cycles on =20
Earth."=A0 Welcome Autumn with all your senses!=A0 Join =
Char=A0(coordinator =20
of our Green Dragon Nature Camps) and Laurel McIvor (N.S. Museum of =20
Natural History), for a family hike exploring this beautiful trail. At =20=

our own pace we will discover the animals and plants that make this =20
spot their home, hunting for tracks and signs along our way:
=A0=A0=A0=A0  - look, listen, breath in the scent of Autumn!
=A0=A0=A0=A0  - Critter Dip!- discover aquatic insects, snails, fish
=A0=A0=A0=A0  - heads up!=A0 Bald Eagles fishing
=A0=A0=A0=A0  - get to know the trees, moss, lichens, ferns
Please bring sensible footwear, weather appropriate and extra clothing =20=

(shorts, sandals or rubber boots if you plan on river walking), water =20=

and a snack.=A0 Contact is=A0Charlane Bishop, Naturalist =
Coordinator-Youth =20
Programming (902-542-2217).=A0 Meet at the Wolfville Waterfront parking =20=

lot at 1:00 p.m. and we will carpool from there. Everyone is welcome.

Patrick Kelly
Director of Computer Facilities
Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Dalhousie University
PO Box 1000 Stn Central                5410 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4           Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4
Canada                                 Canada
Phone:(902) 494-3294    FAX:(902) 423-6672   E-mail:patrick.kelly@dal.ca

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<bold><fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Green Dragon Family

<bold>Sunday, October 14, 2007 - Gaspereau River
Trail.</bold><fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>=A0 "Green Dragon
lives and plays in river and stream as protector of all Natural cycles
on Earth."=A0 Welcome Autumn with all your senses!=A0 Join
Char=A0(coordinator of our Green Dragon Nature Camps) and Laurel McIvor
(N.S. Museum of Natural History), for a family hike exploring this
beautiful trail. At our own pace we will discover the animals and
plants that make this spot their home, hunting for tracks and signs
along our way:</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>=A0=A0=A0=A0  - look, listen, =
in the scent of Autumn!</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>=A0=A0=A0=A0  - Critter Dip!-
discover aquatic insects, snails, fish</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>=A0=A0=A0=A0  - heads up!=A0 =
Eagles fishing</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>=A0=A0=A0=A0  - get to know =
trees, moss, lichens, ferns</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Please bring sensible
footwear, weather appropriate and extra clothing (shorts, sandals or
rubber boots if you plan on river walking), water and a snack.=A0
Contact is=A0Charlane Bishop, Naturalist Coordinator-Youth Programming
(902-542-2217).=A0 Meet at the Wolfville Waterfront parking lot at 1:00
p.m. and we will carpool from there. Everyone is welcome.



Patrick Kelly

Director of Computer Facilities


Faculty of Architecture and Planning

Dalhousie University


PO Box 1000 Stn Central                5410 Spring Garden Road

Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4           Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4

Canada                                 Canada


Phone:(902) 494-3294    FAX:(902) 423-6672 =20




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