[NatureNS] Field Trip Cancellation - 15 September 2007

Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:56:12 -0300
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Blake Maybank <maybank@ns.sympatico.ca>
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In light of the adverse weather forecast for Saturday, 15 September 
(periods of heavy rain, strong SE winds, coastal fog), the NS Bird 
Society's field trip in the Peggy's Cove loop area has been 
cancelled.   There is no scheduled alternate date.

Blake Maybank
Editor, "Nova Scotia Birds"

author, "Birding Sites of Nova Scotia"

144 Bayview Drive
White's Lake, Nova Scotia,
B3T 1Z1, Canada

(902) 852-2077  

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