[NatureNS] Gray Jay, Grey Catbird and other

From: "James Hirtle" <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:01:40 +0000
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I saw a gray jay when driving through Cherry Hill yesterday.  The first one 
I have seen in a long while.  There was a grey catbird at Volglers Cove.

In regards to the possible black vulture, the Progress Enterprise and 
Bridgewater Bulletin have a photo of such and have printed an article on the 
bird.  Some information is incorrect as data from the Nova Scotia Museum on 
this species is not up to date.  They have missed quite a few documented 
sightings of this species through through the bird society at least 
according to the article written.  Anyhow, I will try to obtain a copy of 
the photo so that a young turkey vulture can be ruled out.


James R. Hirtle
Dublin Shore

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