[NatureNS] Relaxed sightings..

From: "Dave/Sharon" <dash.bi@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 22:55:30 -0300
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From my vantage point relaxing in my easy chair on Pea Jack hill I spotted 
two mature & one immature Bald Eagles soaring, two Red Neck Greeb diving in 
the cove, three very young B Herron stumbling about, too many seals & lots 
of immature Junco, W Throat Sparrow, Y Throat Warb & Y Rump Warb.  I noted 
for the past few weeks that a B Herron was landing in the trees close to our 
RV site. I suspected at the time that it was nesting there. I never 
investigated for the fear of disturbing them. Never saw the three young come 
off but they had not come far as they did not have good control of their 
wings or legs.
Dave Pugh
Brier Island 

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