[NatureNS] Corydalis [-us ?] (Dobson Fly) ?

Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 11:26:42 -0300
From: David & Alison Webster <dwebster@glinx.com>
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Dear All,            July 18, 2007
    While removing a sliding screen door on July 15 for repair I found 
the damaged remains of a large insect (large hole in forehead chewed in 
or out by something); wingspread ~80 mm, veins faint on clear fragile 
wings; hind wing wider at base than front wing is at base and pleated; 
probably 3 ocelli (2 present at edge of hole); eyes prominent; antennae 
~10 mm long and long pectinate on anterior surface; mandibles not large.

    Do we have a Dobson Fly that fits this description ?
Yt, DW, Kentville

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