[NatureNS] Old Growth, wilderness area

Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 09:57:27 -0300
From: David & Alison Webster <dwebster@glinx.com>
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Dear All,            July 15, 2007
    The figure keeps popping up that less than 0.01 per cent of NS 
forests are old growth. The latest instance is in a Sunday Herald 
article article (Knox on wood, Novascotian July 15). 

    Now 0.01 percent would be an area of only 2.04 sq miles (20,402 sq 
mi land area/ 10,000) so one can be reasonably sure the original figure 
was 1%. Does anyone know who established this figure and on what basis ?

    Also in Saturday's paper an article on Trout Point Lodge in the 
Tobeatic wilderness area caught my eye; not exactly wilderness camping. 
I have memories of people who had 2-nd & 3-rd generation camps in the 
Tobeatic (?) who were forced to move out or tear down. Or was this 
somewhere else ?  

Yt, Dave Webster, Kentville

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