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May 31, 2007 - ROBIE TUFTS NATURE CENTRE AT DUSK: 50+ TOTAL CHIMNEY SWIFTS seen -- tonight there was a sizable crowd of gawkers for the pre-roosting swifts, not just people doing business at the liquor store -- the majority of the swifts entered the chimney a bit after 9:00 p.m. (Sunset 8:52) -- Ted Wolkowski, Brenda & Bill Thexton, Harold Forsyth, Jim Wolford, et al. An immature? BALD EAGLE flew over quite high in the sky at about 9 p.m., headed southwest, perhaps on its way quite late to a communal roost in the Gaspereau Valley upstream (west) from White Rock. Among the observers was a couple from England, where they had read about our Wolfville swifts on the Internet; and last nightąs gawkers included a couple from Wisconsin. Cheers :-) from Jim in Wolfville, 542-9204 --------------------- Jim (James W.) Wolford 91 Wickwire Avenue Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada B4P 1W3 phone (902)542-9204 (home) fax (902)585-1059 (Acadia Univ. Biology Dept.) e-mail <> ---------------------- "The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.˛ - Ellen Parr ---------------------- ł...... the Earth .....belongs as much to those who come after us as to us; and we have no right, by anything that we do, or neglect to do, to involve them in unnecessary penalties, or to deprive them of benefits which are theirs by right.˛ - John Ruskin ----------------------
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