[NatureNS] Backyard surprise!

From: "Jean Timpa" <jtimpa@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 22:04:25 -0300
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	About 2pm  I went out to my vegetable garden here in central 
Wolfvlle to plant my lettuce "patch", the ground for which I had prepared 
last evening. I had just started filling the rows with good natural rich "stuff" 
out of the sheep pens when I was startled by a very loud call at the edge of 
my wooded patch (the east end of my property). It was loud and raucous as 
in Crow or Raven, but unfamiliar, as I possibly have not heard this bird call 
even though I have seen it on a number of occasions, although not 
recently. Looking towards the sound, I could not see it until it swooped 
down the hill, through the trees and landed on the path out through the 
woods where it stayed for at least 3 or 4 minutes picking through the leaves 
and plants for its lunch.  My visitor, in a most unexpected habitat, a 
gorgeous big Pileated Woodpecker!  As I said to my gardening neighbour, 
Margie, "Pinch me, I don't believe this!" She heard its call too, but the 
fence was in the way, so she could not quite see it. But she has seen them 
before in Virginia. Yesterday her daughter saw a Cardinal in her mum's 
yard which ajoins mine. A number of years ago now I saw another one on 
Hillside Avenue on a telephone pole one morning. I guess this just goes to 
show how we stereotype where we "expect" to see birds. How many birds 
do we miss because we "expect?"  It is a good thing the bird called, 
because it was so silent otherwise that I would not have picked up on its 

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