[NatureNS] warblers at hawk 22 may

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Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 05:58:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: clyde stoddart <clydebrstod@yahoo.com>
To: nature nova scotia <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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22 may, 07

warblers at the hawk around garfield cunninghams

canada, black and white, magnolia, black poll, bay breasted, 

baltimore orile, rose breasted grossbeak, eastern wood peewee

other warblers on the loop, common yellowthroat, yellow, black throted green,

clyde stoddart, john and sandra nickerson

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22 may, 07<br><br>warblers at the hawk around garfield cunninghams<br><br>canada, black and white, magnolia, black poll, bay breasted, <br><br>baltimore orile, rose breasted grossbeak, eastern wood peewee<br><br>other warblers on the loop, common yellowthroat, yellow, black throted green,<br><br>clyde stoddart, john and sandra nickerson<br><p>&#32;

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