[NatureNS] Rose breasted grossbeak

Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 08:57:05 -0300
From: Eleanor Lindsay <az678@chebucto.ns.ca>
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I normally have all my winter feeders down by now, but with recent 
wretched weather have kept one up a little later than usual; yesterday I 
had the pleasure of a, for me, rare visit from a rose breasted grossbeak 
(only two previous sightings over the past 14 years). It stayed around 
most of the day and I watched with interest as it aggressively 
monopolised the feeder, especially chasing away any bluejay that tried 
to oust it (while little chickadees continued to feed intermittently 
from the opposite port!)
Eleanor Lindsay,
Seabright, St Margarets Bay

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