[NatureNS] Warblers, Hummingbirds

Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 19:55:45 -0300
From: Lois Codling <loiscodling@hfx.eastlink.ca>
To: Nature NS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Forgot to mention last night our first Yellow Warbler in our backyard -  
a beautiful male was visiting every flower on a Forsythia, acting more 
like a hummingbird than a warbler.  Does anyone know whether they ever 
drink nectar, or was it catching insects??  Seemed more like nectar to 
me, as it was very quick at each flower.

Today was our first N. Parula Warbler, also a male, and I heard a 
Black-thr. Green Warbler but did not see it.

Also today our first female R. T.Hummingbird came to the feeders.  The 
male has been here since May 9th, but I haven't seen him since she arrived.

Lois Codling
L. Sackville

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