[NatureNS] recent sightings around Wolfville

From: "Judy Tufts" <tandove@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: "NatureNS" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 21:44:39 -0300
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Wolfville : May 12 / 07


A lady who lives about a mile along the Wolfville Ridge Rd from us - had the
thrill of photographing a male SCARLET  TANANGER on Saturday, Count day (May
12). Thanks to Harold Forsyth who alerted me after receiving an e-photo of
the event.  I was able to speak with her to hear more of the great sighting.
Unfortunately the tanager did not stay around.  We just hope it decides to
head our way !!! 


There must have been a good 'movement' of Least Flycatchers going through
Palmeter's Woods, Kentville, on Saturday.    Sheila McCurdy and I found
sixteen for the Count in a very small area of these woodlands. 


Tues May 15

Canada Goose family -  2 adults with six lovely little goslings - in the
Hennigar's Marsh, Sheffield Mills, on the west side of the road. Across the
road in the extended open pond to the east, there were three other adult
Canadas, two of whom kept close company (a pair?) while the third was by


The male Gadwall remains in Saxon St Pond, Sheffield Mills.

3 Spotted Sandpipers kept flitting back and forth across the pond.  Water
level is still low. 

At Canard Pond ~100 swallows (mostly Barn and Tree with a few Bank Swallows)
were busy hawking over the algae build-up on the water.


Judy Tufts




   Judy  Tufts




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