[NatureNS] Lunenburg & Queen's Co. birding

Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 20:26:14 -0300
From: Eric Mills <e.mills@dal.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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Today in the morning at high water and with a pretty good sea state, 
there were about 1500 scoters sheltering on the W side of Crescent 
Beach, Lun. Co. About 2/3 of them were Surfs, the rest Black 
Scoters. In addition, there were about 500 Oldsquaw, 25+ Horned 
Grebes in breeding plumage, and a few Red-necked Grebes. It was 
a magnificent show of waterfowl. 

Farther west, at Western Head, Queen's Co., there was a slow but 
steady movement of Gannets and Common Loons to the NE, also a 
few, very distant flocks of larger alcids. 

A lone adult Bonaparte's Gull in breeding plumage was paddling 
about at low tide on the beach at Broad Cove, Lun. Co.

The only land bird of note (apart from abundant apparently migrant 
Robins everywhere) was an Ipswich Sparrow with regular 
Savannahs in the spruces at the W end of the rock barrier beach at 
East Berlin, Queen's Co.

Eric L. Mills 
286 Kingsburg Road
RR#1, Rose Bay, Nova Scotia B0J 2X0, CANADA

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