[NatureNS] Two Eagles

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Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 14:57:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul MacDonald <paulrita2001@yahoo.com>
To: Nature NS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi All
This afternoon a friend and I were in Keji. At Grafton
Brook just downstream from the bridge a pair of mature
eagles were sitting on a maple branch that goes out
over the brook. They were at eye level or nearly so at
about 40 m  - a very impressive sight. Unfortunately
my friend had left his professional camera at home and
only had a snap shot model. I would be susprised if
there wasn't a nest in the area.
Latter we went for a paddle, after a while in the
canoe we stopped to stretch our legs. On close
inspection a piece of wood turned out to be a very old
canvas canoe, rotted pretty well into the ground. It
might have drifted there but because it was turned
over, it probably had been left there to be used on
the lake. The tacks that held the canvas on were still
good. Animals had used it for a shelter. Must date
from befor ethe park but we couldn't tell.
Latter I got an extensive talk on Midges or
chironomids or buzzers - whatever. There is an
extensive number of types and individuals in the Park.
An interesting fly.
Have a nice spring

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