[NatureNS] Birds - Forwarded from Ken McKenna

Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 09:24:21 -0300
From: iamclar@dal.ca
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Hi Ian

Could you pass this on to Naturens?

on the way to the atlas meeting in Memramcook yesterday Ross Hall and I saw 3
Turkey Vultures over the Lusby MArsh in Amherst as seen from the Boomer Loop.
One was being chased by a Rough-legged Hawk. There was Pied-billed Grebe
calling and severa; Shovelers in the APBS.

At the Eddy marsh, we saw 2 Turkey Vultures and a good number of Pintails. A PB
Grebe was also calling here as well. Another TV was observed between Aulac and
Sackville in NB.

Ken McKenna

Hope people are getting out for night-time birds The last 2 nights have been

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