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As Jim reported, there were many honeybees working our crocuses today. With them were a number of small, different sized, flies. Lots of House Flies out today too. +17C this afternoon. Noted also was a Woolly Bear caterpillar which had to be persuaded from crossing busy Lovett Road. Angus At 01:28 PM 4/20/2007, Jim W. wrote: >April 20, 2007 - Sunny and warm today, about 15 C.? in early afternoon. >Time for shorts and sandals, although the students and Sam Vander Kloet >changed into such summer garb long ago. > >I checked several beds of CROCUS FLOWERS for the presence of HONEYBEES (none >seen during a quick check on a much cooler day, April 15th). Iąm happy to >report that I saw a few dozens of HONEYBEES quite active and gathering just >pollen? Thus I feel a bit better about the earlier apparent absence of >them. > >Cheers :-) from Jim in Wolfville, 542-9204 >--------------------- >Jim (James W.) Wolford >91 Wickwire Avenue >Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada >B4P 1W3 >phone (902)542-9204 (home) >fax (902)585-1059 (Acadia Univ. Biology Dept.) >e-mail <> >---------------------- >ł...... the Earth .....belongs as much to those who come after us as to us; >and we have no right, by anything that we do, or neglect to do, to involve >them in unnecessary penalties, or to deprive them of benefits which are >theirs by right.˛ - John Ruskin >----------------------
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