[NatureNS] VENUS again tonight and Good SPACE STATION Pass

References: <BAY141-F3109EECAFFFCA7AE5A886BB85F0@phx.gbl>
From: Sherman Williams <sherm@glinx.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 16:28:58 -0300
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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The sky will be clouding over sometime later today as tomorrow's  
"winter storm" approaches, but if the sky is still clear in the  
northwest where you are  between 9:38 and 9:42 pm, you can once again  
catch the ISS. This time it passes really close to VENUS and the  
PLEIADES still together in the westward.

VENUS is still just 3 degrees east of the PLEIADES and shortly after  
9:38, the SPACE STATION will pass very close to Venus. For some all  
three objects, for a few seconds, willl be within one binocular field  
of view. Because the pass is later, Venus and the Pleadies will be a  
little lower toward the WNW horizon and the ISS ,at the peak of its  
pass, about  9:41, will be about 34 degrees above the NNW horizon.  
The pass will be visible until about  9:42:41 when it runs into  
Earth's shadow.

Last evening I quite enjoyed the view of these three in the beautiful  
clear sky . The ISS passed very close to the bright stars of Orion,  
especially the western shoulder star, Bellatrix.   Right on schedule  
I watched it disappear into Earth's shadow.    I also got a couple of  
digital shots of the Pleiades and Venus in the same sky field. There  
are pprobably a few shared photos of the event on Spaceweather .com,  
I did not look yet to see if this is true.


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