[NatureNS] Imitations

Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 19:41:50 -0300
From: Lois Codling <loiscodling@hfx.eastlink.ca>
To: Nature NS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Speaking of Killdeer, James, I heard one about 3 wks. ago, but realized 
after awhile that the sound was coming from a Starling.  Today I heard a 
Comm. Yellowthroat while soaking up some of that lovely sunshine & 
warmth, but the source was the same.  So I'm wondering about Starling 
memories.  How long can they remember a sound in order to duplicate it?  
Have they recently heard a Killdeer and a Comm. Yellowthroat?  We've had 
Starlings around all winter, and I assume this was one of our year-round 
residents.  Has it really remembered these bird calls over the winter?

Lois Codling

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