[NatureNS] Midnight sun

From: "Jean Timpa" <jtimpa@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 13:57:01 -0300
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	My son has been working quite a bit north of the Arctic Circle since 
December in a diamond drilling camp, and it has been interesting to hear 
his comments about the light and darkness. I would caution people to 
differentiate between visible sun and visible light.  I don't think they would 
have 24 hours of sunlight at this point in time, not until nearly June 21. 
Several days ago they only were able feel the heat of the sun for the first 
time. One thing which was interesting to me was his story about the moon 
in December and January. The moon was always in the sky, never setting. 
As the tilt of the earth changes, so will he moon perhaps disappear 
altogether and the sun take over the 24 hour/day presence?  Fun stuff 
which most of us do not stop to think about!  JET

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