[NatureNS] Re: Field Trip - North Sydney & Area - Cape Breton Chapter of the Nova Scotia Bird Society

DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 14:31:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Suzanne Borkowski <suzanneborkowski@yahoo.ca>
To: naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi Everyone;

I'm sending this again, wothout the attachment,
because I didn't see it go through.  My apologies if
you receive this twice.


--- Suzanne Borkowski <suzanneborkowski@yahoo.ca>

> Hi Everyone;
> Maureen Cameron-MacMillan, President of our Cape
> Breton Chapter, asked me to post this trip notice:
> Saturday, March 17, 1:00 pm: North Sydney and area
> Winter Field Trip
> Leaders: Barb Glassey and Maureen Cameron-MacMillan
> (727-2733; maureen_cameron@excite.com)
> We'll be checking a number of birding sites in the
> community for a chance to see some winter ducks and
> gulls, and to get out and enjoy a winter day. At
> 1:00,
> we'll meet at the duck pond across from the
> Clearwater
> Fish Plant ( 139 Queen Street ) to see mallards,
> black
> ducks and gulls, and hopefully an "odd duck" or two.
> We'll then work our way north along the harbour,
> with
> stops at the Lobster Pound restaurant parking lot on
> Queen Street , Archibald Park on Commercial Street,
> and Indian  Head Beach and the Purves Street
> Look-off
> to check out the harbour birds.  At around 3:30, we
> will make our way to the Tim Horton's on Blowers
> Street to warm up and get our tally on the day.
> If you aren't familiar with the area,we have
> attached
> a map showing our planned stops for the day.  Hope
> to
> see you there.
> Sincerely, Maureen Cameron-MacMillan 
> I attached her map - but I'm pretty sure attachments
> get dropped when sending messages to naturens.  If
> anyone would like the map, please e-mail me
> privately:
> suzanneborkowski@yahoo.ca
> Cheers;
> Suzanne
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