[NatureNS] FW: (BNS) Monday meeting cancelled

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 17:18:39 -0400
From: Jim Wolford <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
To: NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Apologies to those who receive this message more than once, from Jim and
From: Harold Forsyth <harold.forsyth@ns.sympatico.ca>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 13:02:21 -0400
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: (BNS) Monday meeting cancelled

Monday, February 19, 2007 -- The Annual "Show and Tell" Night meeting of the
Blomidon Naturalists Society is cancelled due to inclement weather.

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<TITLE>FW: (BNS) Monday meeting cancelled</TITLE>
Apologies to those who receive this message more than once, from Jim and BNS.<BR>
<B>From: </B>Harold Forsyth &lt;harold.forsyth@ns.sympatico.ca&gt;<BR>
<B>Date: </B>Mon, 19 Feb 2007 13:02:21 -0400<BR>
<B>To: </B>&lt;Undisclosed-Recipient:;&gt;<BR>
<B>Subject: </B>(BNS) Monday meeting cancelled<BR>
<B>Monday, February 19, 2007 -- The Annual &quot;Show and Tell&quot; Night meeting of the Blomidon Naturalists Society is <FONT SIZE="4"><U>cancelled</U> </FONT>due to inclement weather.<BR>
</B> <BR>


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