[NatureNS] Graves Island Today

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Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 14:23:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Paul MacDonald <paulrita2001@yahoo.com>
To: Nature NS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi All
BB needed a walk and suggested Graves. A good choice.
Very little snow there and the little ice on the shore
made walking easy. The day was warm and sunny. Very
DND had  boat #339 anchored off shore and helicopters
were flying back and forth. No doubt learning how to
fly the things.
Noisy ducks and Grebes have moved on. There is still a
few but only a small fraction of the Dec buildup.
Red Breasted Mergansers are in pairs all around the
island. Both males and females are now in full
plumage. Both are gorgeous. Not wuch wonder the Mahone
Bay carvers carved so many of them.  Like all artists
the price nowadays of their work would astonish these
early carvers. Common mergs were not there. A few
pairs of Blacks were feeding in the sea weed.
There was a fine pair of Great cormorants out on the
rocks of the northern point. A seal also. The male was
really splendid. White patchs on his flank - with all
the marks on the head and a ring of white feathers
aroubd his neck. Mostly we think of cormorants as dull
birds but not this fellow. As the sun was just right
and it was close he would have made a great picture.
His friend looked like a first year bird. Light on the
belly, deeping to brown and then black on the top.
Both fine birds. Much better than any of my bird books
- a picture would have been.
An Otter had walked along the shore leaving foot
prints in a little snow that was there. A few
squirrels also.
A good day
Enjoy the winter

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