[NatureNS] cardinal plus large hawk in Wolfville plus eagle-watching weather

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 18:44:32 -0400
From: Jim Wolford <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
To: NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Jan. 25, 2007 - Pat saw our back-yard male CARDINAL 3 times today at or near
the feeders.  Also our RAT-KILLING large HAWK visited the yard again (seems
regular now).  It sits high in a coniferous tree and waits, as the species
does when hunting.  A few days ago when the rat was killed, we also
occasionally saw a RED SQUIRREL, and now we donıt know if it is still alive
or just elsewhere.  From Patıs description, it sounds like almost certainly
a RED-TAILED HAWK, immature/yearling, since the top of the tail is not red.

Pat also said that of course today was fabulous for watching lots of
activities at the feeders; Iıve been hoping for cold temperatures plus snow,
in order to concentrate the BALD EAGLES at the feeding sites in mornings,
but this cold makes it very difficult to do the observations for the EAGLE
WATCHERS (first day of first weekend tomorrow); today the highest
temperature in the Valley was about -13 C., I believe, plus a nasty wind!

Cheers from Jim in Wolfville, 542-9204
Jim (James W.) Wolford
91 Wickwire Avenue 
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada
B4P 1W3
phone (902)542-9204 (home)
fax (902)585-1059 (Acadia Univ. Biology Dept.)
e-mail <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
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