[NatureNS] Re: Irregular and long delays on NatureNS

Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 16:47:48 -0400
From: David & Alison Webster <dwebster@glinx.com>
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Blake Maybank wrote:

> At 02:42 PM 07/12/2006, you wrote:
>> A while ago, Blake Maybank (I think it was) commented that NatureNS 
>> is not archived and therefore not searchable, and suggested to 
>> consider that the list be switched to some other carrier that does 
>> have these facilities.   Is it time to consider this seriously, for 
>> the additional reason of the current variable and sometimes extreme 
>> delays?  I'm not technically well informed on this to know how much 
>> trouble this would be, or who would get stuck with the job, but some 
>> people on the list seem to be knowledgeable about the 
>> technicalities.  Anyone want to bite into this one again? Or is the 
>> performance likely to get back to where it was a few weeks back?
> Peter Payzant's recent post suggests the problem will not solve itself 
> quickly.

Hi All,        Dec 10, 2006
    Actually, Peter's recent post suggests that the problem is 
widespread. Today one set of ISP's is swamped, next week some other set 
will be swamped.

    Because we seem to be having a vote, I vote to stand pat.

    I have been with naturens for over 6 years and, except for several 
transient sour notes, it has been a very positive experience. On the 
other hand I find the idea of an elitist list, composed only of members 
who have passed some approval process, to be offensive in that it 
potentially hampers the free exchange of ideas.

Yours truly, Dave Webster, Kentville

> It would be a simple matter to shift NatureNS to a Listserv, such as 
> the Yahoo group that I set up for the NS-RBA.   It took me about an 
> hour to create the group, and the on-going admin responsibilities are 
> not onerous at all.   There are a variety of options that can be used 
> to structure the group, including different methods of allowing folks 
> to join.  With the NS-RBA the moderators personally approve each 
> applicant, in order to weed out spammers.  But the application process 
> can also be automated, which keeps out 'bots from joining, but doesn't 
> stop a human spammer.   So far, with NS-RBA, there has only been one 
> spamming episode, when one member's e-mail was hijacked elsewhere, and 
> used to send messages, but that was quickly fixed.
> So, as I have said before, I vote for switching NatureNS to a 
> Listserv, and the sooner the better.
> Cheers,
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Blake Maybank
> Editor, "Nova Scotia Birds"
> author, "Birding Sites of Nova Scotia"
> http://maybank.tripod.com/BSNS.htm
> 144 Bayview Drive
> White's Lake, Nova Scotia,
> B3T 1Z1, Canada
> maybank@ns.sympatico.ca
> (902) 852-2077 

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