[NatureNS] Fwd: RE: Sullivans pond - More on Duck Deaths

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Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 14:55:16 -0500 (EST)
From: Suzanne Borkowski <suzanneborkowski@yahoo.ca>
To: naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Here's an eye-witness account of the incident at

I'm meeting with the Mayor about this.  If you have
any more information, please send it to me at:



Suzanne Borkowski
Nova Scotia Bird Society


Suzanne Borkowski

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From: Liz&Shane Gidney <lizshane@hotmail.com>
To: Suzanne Borkowski <suzanneborkowski@yahoo.ca>
Subject: RE: Sullivans pond
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 15:36:31 -0400
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Hi Suzanne,
Yes, by all means feel free to share my email, esp if it will help the bird=
s in any way!
So glad to hear you will be meeting with the mayor. Thank you for that.
Email me should you need any other info.
Liz G
Liz & Shane Gidney Halifax, NS   lizshane@hotmail.com =20

> Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 13:23:18 -0500> From: suzanneborkowski@yahoo.ca> Su=
bject: Re: Sullivans pond > To: lizshane@hotmail.com> > > Hi Liz;> > Good t=
o hear from you! As it happens, I have an> appointment to meet with Mayor P=
eter Kelly to discuss> this event and protest it on behalf of the Bird> Soc=
iety.> > With your permission, I'd like to show him your> eye-witness accou=
nt.> > Would you like me to forward your message to NatureNS?> > Cheers;> S=
uzanne> > > > > --- Liz&Shane Gidney <lizshane@hotmail.com> wrote:> > > HI =
Suzanne,> > > > Hope all is well with you!> > > > I recently noticed a post=
ing on Nature NS regarding> > ducks that died at sullivans pond. It reminde=
d me> > that i was going to email you as i dont subscribe to> > NNS to tell=
 you what i saw the night of the tree> > lighting and fireworks last weeken=
d. It was the> > first yr i had gone and i was totally horrified by> > the =
reaction of the ducks to the fireworks.> > Naturally most ducks were rooste=
d for the night and> > when the fireworks started the birds were flying> > =
into traffic, into trees (literally),running into> > the streets and were j=
ust generally terrified by the> > whole experience. It was so bad i would n=
ever return> > there for that event as i could not stand to watch.> > I spe=
nd my time trying to corral birds back to the> > grass so they would not wa=
nder into traffic rather> > that watching what i went there for. > > I have=
 to wonder if the city is aware of the> > devastation this caused the wildl=
ife and if it would> > be at all beneficial to the birds to bring it to> > =
their attention.> > I was not at all surprised by the recent posting. > > >=
 > Happy Holidays,> > > > Sincerely > > Liz Gidney> > > > Liz & Shane Gidne=
y Halifax, NS > > lizshane@hotmail.com > >> _______________________________=
__________________________________> > Be one of the first to try Windows Li=
ve Mail.> >> http://ideas.live.com/programpage.aspx?versionId=3D5d21c51a-b1=
61-4314-9b0e-4911fb2b2e6d> > > ____________________________________________=
______> Do You Yahoo!?> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protec=
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Be one of the first to try Windows Live Mail.

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<body>Hi Suzanne,<BR>
Yes, by all means feel free to share my email, esp if it will help the bird=
s in any way!<BR>
So glad to hear you will be meeting with the mayor. Thank you for that.<BR>
Email me should you need any other info.<BR>
Liz G<BR><BR><BR><BR>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Lucida Handwriting, Cursive"><STRONG><FONT size=3D2><FON=
T face=3D"" color=3D#000000>Liz &amp; Shane Gidney Halifax, NS&nbsp;&nbsp; =
</FONT><A href=3D"mailto:lizshane@hotmail.com"><FONT color=3D#000000>lizsha=
ne@hotmail.com</FONT></A><FONT color=3D#000000> </FONT></FONT></STRONG></FO=
NT><BR><FONT color=3D#000000>&nbsp;</FONT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><A hr=
ef=3D"http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=3DZSzeb043" target=3D_blank><IM=
G src=3D"http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=3DZSzeb043" border=3D0></A=
<HR id=3DstopSpelling>
&gt; Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 13:23:18 -0500<BR>&gt; From: suzanneborkowski@ya=
hoo.ca<BR>&gt; Subject: Re: Sullivans pond <BR>&gt; To: lizshane@hotmail.co=
m<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Hi Liz;<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Good to hear from you!=
 As it happens, I have an<BR>&gt; appointment to meet with Mayor Peter Kell=
y to discuss<BR>&gt; this event and protest it on behalf of the Bird<BR>&gt=
; Society.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; With your permission, I'd like to show him your=
<BR>&gt; eye-witness account.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Would you like me to forward=
 your message to NatureNS?<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Cheers;<BR>&gt; Suzanne<BR>&gt;=
 <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; --- Liz&amp;Shane Gidney &lt;lizshane@=
hotmail.com&gt; wrote:<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; &gt; HI Suzanne,<BR>&gt; &gt; <BR>&=
gt; &gt; Hope all is well with you!<BR>&gt; &gt; <BR>&gt; &gt; I recently n=
oticed a posting on Nature NS regarding<BR>&gt; &gt; ducks that died at sul=
livans pond. It reminded me<BR>&gt; &gt; that i was going to email you as i=
 dont subscribe to<BR>&gt; &gt; NNS to tell you what i saw the night of the=
 tree<BR>&gt; &gt; lighting and fireworks last weekend. It was the<BR>&gt; =
&gt; first yr i had gone and i was totally horrified by<BR>&gt; &gt; the re=
action of the ducks to the fireworks.<BR>&gt; &gt; Naturally most ducks wer=
e roosted for the night and<BR>&gt; &gt; when the fireworks started the bir=
ds were flying<BR>&gt; &gt; into traffic, into trees (literally),running in=
to<BR>&gt; &gt; the streets and were just generally terrified by the<BR>&gt=
; &gt; whole experience. It was so bad i would never return<BR>&gt; &gt; th=
ere for that event as i could not stand to watch.<BR>&gt; &gt; I spend my t=
ime trying to corral birds back to the<BR>&gt; &gt; grass so they would not=
 wander into traffic rather<BR>&gt; &gt; that watching what i went there fo=
r. <BR>&gt; &gt; I have to wonder if the city is aware of the<BR>&gt; &gt; =
devastation this caused the wildlife and if it would<BR>&gt; &gt; be at all=
 beneficial to the birds to bring it to<BR>&gt; &gt; their attention.<BR>&g=
t; &gt; I was not at all surprised by the recent posting. <BR>&gt; &gt; <BR=
>&gt; &gt; Happy Holidays,<BR>&gt; &gt; <BR>&gt; &gt; Sincerely <BR>&gt; &g=
t; Liz Gidney<BR>&gt; &gt; <BR>&gt; &gt; Liz &amp; Shane Gidney Halifax, NS=
 <BR>&gt; &gt; lizshane@hotmail.com <BR>&gt; &gt;<BR>&gt; _________________=
________________________________________________<BR>&gt; &gt; Be one of the=
 first to try Windows Live Mail.<BR>&gt; &gt;<BR>&gt; http://ideas.live.com=
/programpage.aspx?versionId=3D5d21c51a-b161-4314-9b0e-4911fb2b2e6d<BR>&gt; =
<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; __________________________________________________<BR>&gt=
; Do You Yahoo!?<BR>&gt; Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam prote=
ction around <BR>&gt; http://mail.yahoo.com <BR><br /><hr />Be one of the f=
irst to try  <a href=3D'http://ideas.live.com/programpage.aspx?versionId=3D=
5d21c51a-b161-4314-9b0e-4911fb2b2e6d' target=3D'_new'>Windows Live Mail.</a=



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