[NatureNS] foiling the crows

References: <c03.952dd55.32a2f4ef@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 15:12:06 -0400
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Angela Slaunwhite <adslaun@ns.sympatico.ca>
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Hello all.

I have a collection of crows that come to get the peanuts I put out 
twice a day. I get a kick out of watching them because I also have a 
dish of water by the peanuts and they wash  the peanuts before eating 

They'll pick up the peanut, walk to the dish and put the peanut in 
their feet and stand on  the edge of the dish with thier toes and 
peanut in the water. Then they will procede to use thier bill to 
crack the peanut shell, dig out the peanut, swish it around and then 
eat it.

  I love the crows!


I also have "wrought iron" garden hooks that I hang the sunflower 
feeder of off and suet cages and and a "peanut trap" for already 
shelled peanuts. Remember, I love the crows, but the buggers enjoy 
the suet as well. Not a bad thing except that they grab hold of the 
cage and fly up and away- usually only one wing strok and drop the 
cage onthe ground and then eat all the suet. The woodpeckers never 
get to it anymore.

So I've tried putting a heavy nut ( think nut and bolt ) over the top 
of the hook but those crows are strong.......

SO I've found a longish piece of copper pipe to fit over the end of 
the garden hook. I don't think the'll be able to life the copper pipe 
first. BUT what I'm wondering now is ............ will the copper " 
leanch " anything onto the suet when it rains / snows? I think I've 
seen bird feeders made with copper.......


Angela and Darren Slaunwhite

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